Traveling to Bahia de Los Angeles, April 2nd 3rd and 4th 2004.

I packed the day before and went to work on Friday with all my gear. After work I drove to Roger Lamb's house and we packed all his stuff. We drove to Don Fleming's house and added his stuff as well. To protect our gear from thieves, sand and dust, Roger devised a system of wrapping everything in one of my large green tarps and tying it all in yellow rope like a giant Christmas package. From Don's house we drove to Joe Petolino's with Don sitting on the small jump seat in the back of the truck cab. We crashed at Joe's house because it was part way in the right direction and we would meet everyone else there the next morning.

Joe cooked breakfast for all of us when Fred Cooper, John Somers and Dave Littlejohn arrived. Since we didn't want to drive in the dark in Baja we were only going as far as San Diego the first day. We could leave at a reasonably late time in the morning and still get to San Diego in the evening. The drive down was uneventful and we stayed at an economy inn just a few miles from the border.

The next morning we crossed the border, stopping to get tourist cards for everyone. The drive through Baja was uneventful. We stopped at Gigante for groceries, in San Quintin for a chicken lunch and at the Shrine of the Virgin to bless the Cheep Plastic Glow in the Dark Magnetic Virgins that I had brought for everyone. We pulled into Bahia de los Angeles after dark but in time to have dinner at Guillermo's Restaurant and meet some friends. Dave Harry and Christine Hauser were already in LA Bay and we had made arrangements to try and meet them. They were staying at Camp Gecko but were going to have to move out to make room for the Easter crowd. They wanted to follow us to San Francisquito and stay there for a while.

All text and images Copyright © 2004 by Mike Higgins / contact